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Jet Rental


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Jet Rental

Private Jet Rental

Private Jet Rental is a frequently used term for chartering a Private Jet Flight. In most instances the term “rental” isn’t used for private aircraft, as the arrangement is far more involved and complicated than just a simple rental, like when renting a car, a motorcycle or truck. For that reason the term of charter or lease is used for the contractual arrangement of using a non-owned aircraft for a short period of time on a one-off time basis for an aircraft.

Jet Rental Benefits

The benefits of flying on a Private Jet are many, while there are no disadvantages. The many benefits include better comfort, increased safety, greater convenience, saving time, avoid airport hassles, control passengers around you, increased privacy, catering of preferred foods, increased productivity and the ability to take along luggage, small cargo, pets. The higher price as compared to 1st. Class tickets quickly disappears as more people fly on the same Private Charter Flight. Let’s investigate the details:

Time Savings

Jet Rental offers time savings for the traveler both en-route, to and from airport ground transportation, as well as personal time outside of working hours. Jet Rentals are always the most direct route to save Jet time without having to incur delays resulting from having to change Jets & planes, in addition to the wait time involved at airports doing so. Charter flyers are able to visit many more locations in 1 day than would be possible using commercial Jets and can easily land and takeoff from many private airports that will always be much closer to the desirable departure or destination locations, thus once again saving ground transportation delays. With such targeted Jet routes, the executive can visit the locations he/she needs to visit with minimal time wasted, arrive refreshed for business and relaxed for family time after the Jet.

Increased Safety both in-Flight and at Airports.

Since Jet Rentals use Private Airports the access to the airport and boarding procedures are very different. Private Airports have fewer passengers transiting through, the staff frequently knows most of the passengers already and therefore offer less rigorous, more customized security procedures. At many Private Airports passengers drive right up  to the airplane, are checked by the pilot if they are unfamiliar to the crew and board in minutes. Since all the passengers fly at the discretion of the person in charge of the Jet or owns the airplane, one is never at a risk of someone causing problems on board. Safety in-Jet also enables you to direct the Jet to a different airport or change the routing if weather or ground conditions change unexpectedly.

Greater Convenience

Boarding a Rented Jet is only the beginning of a lot of extra conveniences of a Jet Rental and is due to the smaller size and far fewer passengers at Private Airports. Once on board conveniences never cease, starting with the selection of your seat, easy access to the lavatory, having full control of entertainment options, not being bothered by unwanted obtrusive conversations, endless chatter of nearby passengers or crying babies, etc. Charter Jets allow you to conduct meetings in full confidence, since you control who is on board.

Better Comfort

Comfort is better from the time you take the few steps from your vehicle to the steps leading up to your Jet Rental cabin. Your seat offers endless comfort by its size and the space around it, the ability to sit, recline or use a large surface table and be able to listen to music, watch video, make phone calls, use the Web, etc. Access to the lavatory is unlimited and you don’t have to wait in line to use it. Your pets can accompany you on-board, your luggage of any reasonable size without weight limitations is loaded and unloaded in minutes and safely tucked near you, never to be lost or misdirected to another destination.

Control Tight Schedules

Executives traveling on Charter Jets can control their tight schedules and are unlikely to incur delays or surprises, as they will never experience Jet cancellations, late arrivals, lost or misdirected luggage or ground transportation delays.

No Lost or Delayed Baggage

Charter flyers frequently transport critical equipment or supplies needed at the time of arrival for presentations, testing, repairs or other activities to be performed at destination upon arrival. On Jet Rentals you watch your baggage loaded and unloaded on your Jet and can be sure it’s never lost, mis-routed or damaged enabling you to be ready for your intended activities.

Potential Cost Advantages

It is a well known fact that a Jet Rental charge for 1 person will always be higher than a 1st Class Ticket. However when a group is traveling, a Jet Rental can be equivalent or sometime even lower than 1st Class Air Fare, since the cost of a Jet Rental is for the entire Aircraft, not just 1 seat. If a convenient Empty Leg Jet is available, the cost usually is even lower than Commercial 1st Class tickets with all the added benefits and conveniences of the Jet Rental.

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